Join us for Easter Weekend!

Good Friday
On Good Friday, we celebrate the death of Jesus through a Tenebrae service or Service of Shadows. During the service, we reflect on Jesus' sacrifice through Scripture, worship, and communion, and extinguishing candles to remember the darkness of Good Friday.
Friday, March 29th | 6:00 pm
Knox International Center
Childcare available - RSVP Here
Community Easter Egg Hunt
On Saturday the 30th, join us for a community Easter Egg Hunt! The hunt will be open house style with different colored eggs for different age ranges, so stop by anytime between 10-11:30am.
Saturday, March 30th | 10-11:30am
Newell Park 900 Fairview Ave N, St Paul, MN 55104

Easter Sunday
On Easter Sunday, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the new life he brings! Our Sunday services consist of worship through music and a message from Scripture. We also have nursery and Sunday School classes for kids aged 0-8 at the same time.
Sunday, March 31st | 9:30 am |
Knox International Center or YouTube Live